This video was done last year by AARP in an effort to give a new perspective of what it means to be old.  Almost all of us can commit to the fact that the thought of being over 30 when we were teenagers was a sign of getting old.  In fact a movie made in 1967, Wild In The Streets, depicted that as 14 year olds got the vote, the President was 18 and all those over 30 were sent to an internment camp.  Just a tad bit extreme right?

Well even today, the idea of what is old is different among the Millennials we do get a bit of a break, but this video shows an interesting look at this dilemma.  I love the awakening that transpired with the younger generation, and as an older American, I continue to marvel at how my friends have been able to stay in shape and do things that I was in doubt of at an earlier age.

Check out the video below:

SOURCE: The Video was put together by the AARP.